Tuesday, July 31, 2012

An EASY trick that has increased my productivity by 1000%

Yeah, so I'll admit it. I'm one of those people that gets unfocused very, very, very easily. My whole first two years was nothing but bouncing around from one great idea to another, always learning something new, but never finishing any of them and never making more than chump change on the results.

After a lot of time spent and wasted... and a lot of situations where I got really angry at myself... I forced myself to find something, anything that got me to just focus on one thing and finish it before going to something else.

That's when I read a small book called "Getting It Done". (I forget the name of the author, but it's google-able, it's a pretty famous book). The book is not the point of this post... but rather a single concept that I got from it that changed my mindset about my work forever.

That concept is the following: Every open loop inside your mind creates a brain-suck that drains your energy and your creativity.

What does it mean? It means every idea that you have that hasn't been properly dealt with, will stay inside your mind, and your own mind will try to remind you of it at every possible second so as not to let it go to waste. These constant little "reminders" are a never-ending investment of mental energy that might not seem to add up, but they do, and FAST.

This is why, even when you promise yourself that "THIS time it's going to be different", this time you won't get distracted... you suddenly get another idea, and you try to put it away for later, but you don't, and it keeps popping up again and again until it becomes so loud that you just have to act on it and forget about the previous one! This used to happen to me every single day.

How do you deal with this? The answer is really simple. You need to record and file away this idea in a way that you trust yourself to get back to later. Once you subconscious mind trusts the fact that the idea has been recorded properly, the it will shut down the "open loop" and free up that mindspace and mental energy for you to continue and finish whatever it is that you want.

So here's what you do: You make yourself an "subconscious inbox".

You take an old shoebox, a pack of 3x5 index cards and a pen and place them right next to your keyboard. You begin your work of the day, whatever it is. And, here's the crucial part: Whenever you have a thought, idea, possibility, reminder or anything that isn't directly related to your work at hand, you take five seconds to scribble it down on an index card, toss the index card in the shoebox, and immediately continue working. This has the effect of showing your subconcious mind that you respect it and that you are acting on its input, and that the idea will get due consideration. But later. Not now.

Now, the other trick is to actually get to the ideas in the shoebox at the end of the day. When you finish work, for every card in the shoebox, you do the following: read it, consider it, and either toss it out, or decide on an actionable step that you can take. Then you put that actionable step on a list: either As Soon As Possible, Later, or Some Day. Then you throw the index card away, and do this until the shoebox is empty every day.

If you do this simple thing every day, what will happen is that your subconscious mind will begin to trust you. It will stop being flighty and intruding upon your work time and your focus and your productivity will increase exponentially as time passes. You will have what is called "a mind like still water"... a mind that is clear of distractions and serene, ready to deal with and affect the world around it.

Don't believe me? Try it... I've been seeing the results of this for years. I actually have my "inbox" right next to me right now and have actually put two cards into it as I write this post! So... hope this helps some of you out there, that have flighty and restless minds like mine, to get them under control a little bit!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Different Games That Can Help You Improve Your Memory

There are many people out there today who have a bad memory but something that they never give much thought too is that they can improve their memory by playing games. Of course we're not talking about the traditional kinds of games that you can end up playing in arcades or on your home gaming system, but specific games designed to help with memory. In this article we're going to be discussing some of the different games you can end up playing that will help your memory, and also where you can find these games online.

The first game I would like to talk about is a game called Pattern II, and it is a great game for helping you improve your memory. When you first begin playing this game you're going to see a Tic-Tac-Toe style game board, and they're going to be placing colored blocks in the squares. They are only going to show you the pattern for about one second, at which point they clear the board and you need to recreate the pattern with the colored blocks. The game itself starts off rather easily, only placing three colored blocks on the game board, but the game gets progressively harder as they add new colors and more blocks that need to be filled.

The next game that can actually help you end up boosting your memory is a game called Path Memory. The way this game starts is that they put three houses on a screen and they create a path going from one house to the other, and then you recreate the path. The first one or two levels of this game are rather simple because there are only three and four houses in these first two levels. But, as the game progresses they keep adding house after house, making the game much more difficult as you go along.

Another game which is similar to the old Simon game that you may have played is called Five UFOs. In this game there are going to be five different colored UFOs, and they're going to light up, and you simply need to repeat the pattern in the same order. But, unlike the old Simon game, this does not simply add a new color at each level, instead each new level creates a new pattern you need to follow. This is something that actually makes this game much more difficult than the previous two that we have mentioned above.

Not only can these games end up helping people that are younger improve their memory, but they will be very beneficial for older people who are starting to have memory slips. For those of you wondering where you can actually play these gains you're going to find that they are available for free at improvememory.org. You're also going to find that they have a lot of other memory games available that you can play for free, and the variety of games should help you from getting bored.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Coping With Adversity - An Important Leadership Skill

If you are successful in business or in your career as a manager, there will be times where you are faced with difficult situations and how you cope with these can define you as a leader. The types of adversity you face can come in many forms and they could involve problems with staff or outside situations that impact your business. If you can stay strong in these moments, you can grow as a person and learn from the experience. In this article we will look at some of the ways you can cope with setbacks in your business or career and how you can use it to help you in the future.

It is always important to accept responsibility and ownership of problems that directly impact you or your business. If you start to place blame elsewhere, this can be counter productive and won't help you to find solutions. This is not to say that you do not make others aware of their responsibilities but you do need to find a way forward. This can include training where necessary or changing processes so that you can avoid similar problems in the future. If you focus on solutions rather than problems you have a far greater chance of overcoming any setbacks you encounter.

There are of course situations that will occur that are completely outside of your control such as a big change in the marketplace or poor economic conditions. This can mean that you need to make some tough decisions that will help you survive in a new environment, so at times like these you need to show strength of character and you should not fall into the trap of avoiding what may be inevitable. The faster you take action to address a challenge the far more likely you are to move forward and adapt to changes. A key aspect to coping with adversity is how flexible you are in changing your approach and aligning yourself with new market conditions.

It is important not to dwell on things that go wrong and you should instead see this as a challenge and something you can learn from in the future. If you can stay calm in troubled times, you will have more clarity in what needs to be done and how you are going to achieve it. This means you should be able to handle high levels of stress which can impact on your health and performance if you allow it to. There are many cases in both business and other areas such as sport where very stressful situations have led successful people to higher levels of performance and you want to see this as a goal for yourself. In addition, if you are strong in these situations, it will help those that look to you for leadership to also remain calm.

In business and in managerial positions, you will always meet with adversity from time to time. If you can handle these situations with the right attitude, it can help you to be more successful in the future.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Can Step Up And Speak Make You A Great Public Speaker

One of the most powerful skills you can possess in life and in your career is the ability to speak confidently in front of a group of people. This is particularly true for business leaders and managers who need to project themselves as strong leaders and if you aspire to reach the top in your career then confident public speaking will help you. It may be that you know that being able to make great presentations can help you to succeed but you find that fear is holding you back. If this is the case for you then you are not alone as there are plenty of people at all levels of business that seem to struggle when making any kind of group presentation or speech. It is with this in mind that Dale Mercer, who is a professional speaker, released his Step Up And Speak system.

If you want to learn how to be a confident public speaker it does make sense to learn from an expert and when you see the details of the course, you do get a chance to see him in action before you decide to buy. This demonstrates that he does have the skills to teach you to become a great speaker yourself as you see him actually making a presentation. The program is now available as a digital course that is a mixture of audio and video and very much presented in a step by step way so that you can get started even if you have no experience in speaking in public.

The Step Up And Speak training is really broken up into two sections with the first part concentrating on how you need to prepare for making a speech or presentation. There are five sessions in this first section which look at the qualities of great speakers and what you need to do to mentally prepare. It includes a video lesson that shows you how you can keep the attention of your audience which is important as you can probably think of times yourself when you lost interest in a presentation you were listening to. It is often the case that you are captivated by speakers who use stories and powerful words in their talks and these concepts are covered in the next two sessions.

The second part of the training focuses on actual speaking techniques and is divided into six sessions. The way you project yourself and how you use your voice together with utilizing the power of emotion is covered in the first two lessons. This is where you really start to learn how you can influence an audience and captivate them in a way where they want to listen to what you have to say. A video lesson follows on from this which looks at gestures and the right way to use these so that you are adding more meaning to what you are saying. It is quite a well known fact that repetition will implant ideas into a person's mind and Dale covers how you can use this in your presentations. The final part of the training looks at how you can speak with little or no notes and how you should practice so that you can make really confident presentations.

The Step Up And Speak system is a well structured course that can help you to become a confident public speaker.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Some Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your Memory

Many people want to have a better memory and you're going to find that there are very simple things you can do in order to accomplish this. Many people feel that their mind just can't retain the information that they learn, but you must understand your brain is like a muscle and it must be exercised in order for it to work properly. In this article we're actually going to be talking about some of the things that just about anyone can do in order to boost their brainpower and their memory.

One of the first things you must realize is that getting the proper nutrition is going to be very important to allow your brain to function properly. You should understand that there are certain foods which contain vitamins and minerals that can actually help you boost your brain power. While we're not going to be going over these foods or vitamins that you can use you can simply do a search on the internet to find out which of these foods are best for your memory.

Something else you must understand is that your body needs to be getting the proper amount of rest each and every day to allow your brain time to rest. When you are sleeping your mind has a chance to not only recover from the daily activities but also store everything that you've learned that day. This is actually one of the reasons people end up having strange dreams because your mind is trying to process all of this information and store it. Of course if you're mind does not find the time to rest and store this information there's a good chance that it will end up being forgotten.

Another great technique for improving your memory is to use different breathing techniques as this will end up providing your brain with more oxygen. As I'm sure you know your brain runs on oxygen just like the rest of your body, and when you can provide your brain with more oxygen it will have the ability to function better. You're also going to find that the opposite is also true, if your brain is lacking oxygen, you'll find that you may end up being very forgetful and may even end up light headed.

Something else you're going to find is that by doing crossword puzzles or other types of puzzles that make you think you're going to be exercising your brain. By making your brain work harder than it normally does by doing a crossword puzzle, you'll find in time that your brain becomes stronger providing you with a better memory.

These are only a few of the techniques that you'll actually be able to use in order to boost your memory but you'll be able to find a lot more if you do a little research. Of course the first step is to start with the suggestions above as these will definitely help.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Knowing More About Speed Reading

When it comes to speed reading you're going to find that many people actually have no idea what this actually is and what is involved in learning how to do it. The first thing you should understand about speed-reading is the fact that it is simply a language skill just like many other language skills you come across. You should also understand that you do not have to be a genius with a high IQ in order to learn these skills and learn how to read faster. In this article we're going to be taking a deeper look at this skill and explain some of the things that are involved in it.

One of the first things you should understand about speed-reading is that it is not just about how fast you can read but is also about comprehension of what you read. You must understand that even if you can read a page in 10 seconds, unless you understand what you just read it was like you did not read it at all. So one of the most important things about reading fast is actually being able to comprehend what you are reading to begin with.

Just like any other skill that people can pick up you're going to find that this is something that is going to take practice in order to master. Something I should point out about this is once you actually get a good grasp of speed-reading you may actually have the ability to just glance at a sentence and comprehend the entire thing. You're also going to find that there are many different types of drills in order to prepare you for speed-reading, and you can find these drills in books or on the internet.

One of the main things you're going to find out about speed-reading is that it is very important not to move your lips when you are reading as this slows down your process. The reason for this is because when you're using your lips, imitating that your reading out loud, this actually ends up slowing down the reading process. In order to be able to read fast you're going to find that you need to read in your mind, simply because your mind can work much faster than your mouth.

As we mentioned before, learning this skill is going to end up taking a lot of practice and you may find that it could take you quite a long time to master this skill. Some people may have the ability to get through a page in 30 seconds while others will still end up taking 2 minutes or so, it all depends on their skill level. One thing will be true no matter who you are and that is the more practice you put into it the faster you will be able to read and comprehend what you have already read.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Time Management Can Affect Many Aspects Of Your Life

Something that many people fail to realize is the fact that proper time management can actually have negative or positive effects on their lives. For those of you who already know you are bad at managing your time you should realize that there are some simple steps you can take in order to improve this. Of course there are things the you can do in order to manager time more efficiently, and if you can accomplish this you'll find that this will greatly help you throughout your life. In this article we're going to be talking about a few things that you'll be able to do in order to manager time more effectively.

One of the first things the you can actually do is to create a daily to do list and make sure that you accomplish all of your tasks in a timely manner. When creating your list you should also provide yourself a specific time frame on when you are going to begin and complete each item that is on your list. You should understand that creating a list like this will keep you from getting sidetracked, and you'll know what you need to accomplish each day and when you need to do these things. Of course when you find other tasks that also need to be accomplished you should jot them down so they will be on tomorrow's to do list so they do not get forgotten.

Something else that will end up being a great way for you to begin managing your time properly is to limit the amount of time you will spend on any particular task. By doing this you are going to find that you will not spend all day on a particular project when there are so many other things that need to be accomplished. Even if you do not end up finishing a project in the time you allotted, you'll find that you can simply add it to tomorrow's to do list and work on it more at that time. While you may not finish that one project, you will find that you will have completed more projects throughout the day by sticking to the proper time frame for each task.

Another great technique for making sure you're using your time wisely is to simply delegate or use outsourcing for tasks. The best part about this is that you'll actually be freeing up your time so you'll be able to accomplish more things, or even get home early that day from work.

Something else you should understand about proper time management is that it can affect your personal and professional life if you're not managing your time properly. I'm sure you can understand that proper time management is something that is very important in your life. There are many other things you can do in order to manager your time properly but the suggestions above should help you get started on the right foot.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Simple Tips For Improving Your Memory

You might assume that your memory is something that's just the way it is, and can't be improved. In fact, it's often believed that your memory will naturally get worse over time. The fact is, however, many researchers and memory experts have proven that there are ways to strengthen your memory. In this article, we'll be looking at some simple techniques you can use to have a better memory.

One simple trick used by all memory experts is to use association when you're trying to remember something. This can involve creating images in your mind to help you remember something. These associations only have to mean something to you, and they can be silly or illogical. In fact, the stranger and more vivid the images are, the more easily you'll remember them. For example, if you want to remember a person's name, associate that name with any idea or image that comes into your mind. Then, when you see or think of that person, the image will help you recall his or her name.

If you want to remember something, repeat it to yourself frequently. This is a simple idea, but it's essential no matter what you're trying to remember. It often helps to write it down, so you can look at it frequently. That's why flash cards are an effective tool for learning anything that requires memorization, such as a new language. You actually have to make the mental effort to repeat the information to yourself if you want to remember it. You don't have to do this for a long period of time, but you should do it consistently. If you want to remember a number, for example, repeat it to yourself at least once per day until you can easily recall it. Repetition is a key principle no matter what it is you're trying to remember.

The way your brain is working has a great impact on your ability to remember what you're reading or studying. Simply by breathing more deeply and slowly, you can put yourself in a more relaxed state that will improve your memory. Certain types of music can help create this kind of brain state and breathing pattern. Any kind of music you find relaxing is good for this purpose. However, you can also find music and software programs that use techniques such as binaural beats that put your brain in an optimal state for learning. Or you can simply focus on breathing deeply, when you're trying to absorb new information. Having good posture is also helpful, as when you're slumping it's harder to stay alert and this can make it harder to remember anything.

Everyone can benefit by having a better memory, and the above techniques are some of the best ways to achieve this. Like anything else, you have to focus on these methods consistently if you want your memory to get better. Having the intention of improving your memory can itself be helpful, as you'll then be more inclined to pay closer attention when learning new information.

Jason is a mortgage lender who love reading whenever he has spare time with him. He would share with you on a lot of such knowledge if you getting close with him.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How Speed Reading Can Help Kids With ADHD

It may seem strange to think about teaching kids with reading problems how to speed read. After all, you might think that first they have to learn how to read slowly at a higher level. This isn't always the case, though. Very often, kids with reading problems can actually more easily learn how to speed read than read normally. In this article, we'll be discussing the advantages of speed reading for children who have difficulty reading.

Many kids who have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD have difficulty reading. They often have poor grades in many subjects, and some of this has to do with their difficulty in concentrating. Not being able to read well makes their problems worse, as almost every subject requires reading skills. One thing that's been discovered is that kids with these problems are more right-brain dominant than left-brain dominant. This is the opposite of how most people are, especially when it comes to reading. Speed reading, however, is a right brain technique that uses visual techniques to allow people to read faster. This is often the easiest way to teach kids, or even adults with ADD or ADHD.

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a problem that more and more children are being diagnosed with. The reasons for this aren't known, and there are various theories about it, from the modern diet to environmental influences such as pollution. However, whatever the reason, children with ADHD are not stupid; in fact, many are above average in intelligence. Once they learn a reading technique that's suitable for them, they often become lifelong readers. An effective speed reading course is often the best way to get kids with ADHD interested in reading. They are naturally bored with anything that's slow paced, so speed reading is likely to capture their attention.

If you're trying to help teach a child with ADHD to read, you may notice that he or she needs more personal attention than the average kid. Because these children have short attention spans and are easily distracted, it's easy for them to lose focus in a large class. That's one reason they often lag behind when it comes to reading and other types of basic skills. So if you want to teach such a child speed reading, it's best to either get a personal tutor or work with the child personally with some kind of software program. You may find that once a child with ADHD learns speed reading techniques that reading becomes a new passion for him or her. It may, however, take some patience and personal attention to get them interested in learning this skill.

Speed reading is something worth considering for a child with ADHD who's having reading problems. Even though parents and teachers often don't think this makes sense at first, if you study the principles used in speed reading, it's actually quite logical. Speed reading allows kids with ADHD to learn the way their brains naturally work, so it makes reading more interesting to them.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Motivation Make Easy

An essential skill for any business owner is the ability to motivate a team. Understanding people and being able to motivate them will help any entrepreneur improve the profitability of their business by ensuring people perform to the best of their abilities. Thus, if you want to make sure you obtain the best possible results, then you need to learn how to effectively motivate your team. This article will look at three suggestions that will make it easy for you to motivate the people that work for you and improve their performance in the process.

People are highly motivated when they share a common purpose, when they are working together towards achieving the same goals. This means that you need to involve everyone on your staff in all the stages of a project, from planning, to reviews and obtaining results. You should organize meetings on a regular basis so that everyone is fully aware of what is happening at all times. The more they know, the harder they will work towards achieving the common goal. Additionally, by making sure the members of your team are fully informed at all times, they will feel as if they are making a difference. When people know they are making a difference, they are more likely to work harder to ensure the desired results are achieved.

One of the most powerful motivational tools at your disposal is setting an example. You can't expect people to do things you aren't willing to do, so by setting a positive example, your team will do everything they can to emulate you. For example, if you are open to the idea of change, are ambitious and hard-working, your staff will follow your example. However, if you keep everything to yourself, show up at work at noon at leave two hours later, you will demoralize your team and they will lose all interest in achieving the results you are hoping for. The standards you set for yourself are crucial because the more exacting you are with yourself, the more people will want to be just like you. Remember, your goal is to inspire your staff and to do that you need to be fair, reliable and open.

Discipline is a controversial topic when it comes to motivation as many people believe solely in the power of positive motivation. While it's true that you will get more through the power of positive motivation, you still need to be willing to discipline your staff. This doesn't mean you should bully people but at the same time if someone repeatedly makes the same mistake and you discover it's due to negligence, for example, then you have to discipline that person swiftly and effectively. However, don't dwell on it and make sure to offer rewards when their performance meets or exceeds your expectations.

Motivation is a matter of understanding what drives the people on your team. The better you know the people you work with, the easier it will be for you to motivate them and ensure their performance meets or exceeds your standards. The advice in this article should provide a good starting point but remember some things will work and others won't. The key to easy motivation is to really get to know the people on your team.

However, it is also important for you to remain healthy and keep a positive mind so that you can always living in a wonderful life.