Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bye Bye Procrastination

12 Situations, 12 Strategies: "BYE! BYE!" Procrastination.

Here's the specifics on the 12 strategies; When to use them, what you will say “BYE! BYE!” to, what you will say "HELLO!" to and what each strategy will do for you:

Strategy #1: “______ and _______”

When to use: When you have important work to complete but continue to delay.

“BYE! BYE!”: Delaying important work.

“HELLO!”: Complete your projects in the least amount of time.

Here's what this will do for you:

Get your work done via the most efficient route possible.

Projects that used to frighten you will now excite you.

Simplify complex projects & be clear how you'll complete them.

Strategy #2: “__ your _______ ____ ______”

When to use: When you let your own pathetic excuses persuade you not to get to work.

“BYE! BYE!”: Your pathetic excuses stopping you getting work done.

"HELLO!": Never listening to your own pathetic excuses.

Here's what this will do for you:

Stop listening to your pathetic excuses.

Get the same clarity you do when looking at other people's problems.

No more monkey business, just do it!

Strategy #3: “_____ __ 6 ______ _____ ___”

When to use: When you're overwhelmed with the number of things you must get done.

“BYE! BYE!”: Being overwhelmed with what you need done.

"HELLO!": Being as focused as Forrest Gump was focused at playing ping pong.

Here's what this will do for you:

Silence your own excuses and just complete your current projects.

Feel liberated as you get projects done without progress-halting excuses.

Get to work no matter what. If your favourite TV show is on TV, or it's sunny outside or it's cold in your place of work ... just take the advice Nike has been giving you for over 25 years!

Strategy #4: “____ and _____”

When to use: When you must get work done that are not passionate about.

“BYE! BYE!”: Lacking motivation to get your work done.

"HELLO!": Motivating yourself within 5 minutes any time you want.

Here's what this will do for you:

Complete projects from start to finish even if you lack motivation.

Complete tasks you absolutely hate to do but must get done.

Get intensely motivated to complete your work at a rapid pace.

Strategy #5: “Work _____ ______ ____ ______”

When to use: When you are not getting work done as quickly as you should and could.

“BYE! BYE!”: Working at a snail pace.

"HELLO!": Hurrying to work, racing to get things done and having fun.

Here's what this will do for you:

Get your ass in gear fast.

Panic your way through your work so it gets done at rocket speed.

Be as focused as Forrest Gump playing ping pong.

Strategy #6: “___ 5 ______ ____”

When to use: When you must get work done but don't feel “up for it”.

“BYE! BYE!”: Failing to complete important because you aren't in “the mood”.

"HELLO!": Completing work even when you don't feel “in the mood”

Here's what this will do for you:

Complete work you aren't doing now because you're "not in the mood" or because you're "too tired", or because you simply "must" surf the internet.

Just get started! Start vital projects you've delayed for far too long.

Get in a productive flow within 15 minutes or less.

Strategy #7: “__________ Your Projects”

When to use: When you are not certain how to best complete your work in the least time.

“BYE! BYE!”: Being uncertain how to best complete your work fast.

"HELLO!": To being crystal clear in how you'lll complete work at rocket speed.

Here's what this will do for you:

Get crystal clear clarity what you need done and how you will do it.

Get focused when you do work.

Be clear what you will create.

Strategy #8: “______ ___________ Options”

When to use: When distractions are preventing you from completing work.

“BYE! BYE!”: Distractions.

"HELLO!": Work free from distractions.

Here's what this will do for you:

Kill distractions.

Kill unproductive addictions.

Be empowered to differentiate between what takes you closer to your goals and what doesn't.

Strategy #9: “________ and _________”

When to use: When you need to get work done that you don't have the expertise to finish.

“BYE! BYE!”: Being worried about how you will get certain work done.

"HELLO!": Getting work done you are not passionate about.

Here's what this will do for you:

Complete important work you are not passionate about.

Get work finished you don't have the current knowledge to complete.

Let go of meaningless pointless tasks.

Strategy #10: “____ ______”

When to use: When you have numerous tasks that need done but only complete 1 or 2.

“BYE! BYE!”: Neglecting the vital projects you must work on today.

"HELLO!": Getting more projects done in less time.

Here's what this will do for you:

Complete more projects in drammatically less time.

Make the dullest working day's with huge workloads fun & exciting.

Instead of getting just 1 thing done today, get 3 or more things done.

Strategy #11: “___ a ____ _________ _____”

When to use: When you need more motivation to complete your work.

“BYE! BYE!”: Not working towards the achievement of your goals.

"HELLO!": Working towards your goals every single day.

Here's what this will do for you:

Use your goals as tools to motivate and inspire you to get to work.

Reminds you why you are at work in the firstplace.

Work towards your goals every day.

Strategy #12: “____ the next ___ ______ it ______”

When to use: When you are not clear on what you must get done today.

“BYE! BYE!”: Being uncertain how to best complete your work fast.

"HELLO!": Waking up in a super productive mood every single working day.

Here's what this will do for you:

Wake up productive.

Wake up motivated

Wake up crystal clear how you'll finish today's work.

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