Thursday, March 15, 2012

Can Step Up And Speak Make You A Great Public Speaker

One of the most powerful skills you can possess in life and in your career is the ability to speak confidently in front of a group of people. This is particularly true for business leaders and managers who need to project themselves as strong leaders and if you aspire to reach the top in your career then confident public speaking will help you. It may be that you know that being able to make great presentations can help you to succeed but you find that fear is holding you back. If this is the case for you then you are not alone as there are plenty of people at all levels of business that seem to struggle when making any kind of group presentation or speech. It is with this in mind that Dale Mercer, who is a professional speaker, released his Step Up And Speak system.

If you want to learn how to be a confident public speaker it does make sense to learn from an expert and when you see the details of the course, you do get a chance to see him in action before you decide to buy. This demonstrates that he does have the skills to teach you to become a great speaker yourself as you see him actually making a presentation. The program is now available as a digital course that is a mixture of audio and video and very much presented in a step by step way so that you can get started even if you have no experience in speaking in public.

The Step Up And Speak training is really broken up into two sections with the first part concentrating on how you need to prepare for making a speech or presentation. There are five sessions in this first section which look at the qualities of great speakers and what you need to do to mentally prepare. It includes a video lesson that shows you how you can keep the attention of your audience which is important as you can probably think of times yourself when you lost interest in a presentation you were listening to. It is often the case that you are captivated by speakers who use stories and powerful words in their talks and these concepts are covered in the next two sessions.

The second part of the training focuses on actual speaking techniques and is divided into six sessions. The way you project yourself and how you use your voice together with utilizing the power of emotion is covered in the first two lessons. This is where you really start to learn how you can influence an audience and captivate them in a way where they want to listen to what you have to say. A video lesson follows on from this which looks at gestures and the right way to use these so that you are adding more meaning to what you are saying. It is quite a well known fact that repetition will implant ideas into a person's mind and Dale covers how you can use this in your presentations. The final part of the training looks at how you can speak with little or no notes and how you should practice so that you can make really confident presentations.

The Step Up And Speak system is a well structured course that can help you to become a confident public speaker.

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