Thursday, March 8, 2012

Simple Tips For Improving Your Memory

You might assume that your memory is something that's just the way it is, and can't be improved. In fact, it's often believed that your memory will naturally get worse over time. The fact is, however, many researchers and memory experts have proven that there are ways to strengthen your memory. In this article, we'll be looking at some simple techniques you can use to have a better memory.

One simple trick used by all memory experts is to use association when you're trying to remember something. This can involve creating images in your mind to help you remember something. These associations only have to mean something to you, and they can be silly or illogical. In fact, the stranger and more vivid the images are, the more easily you'll remember them. For example, if you want to remember a person's name, associate that name with any idea or image that comes into your mind. Then, when you see or think of that person, the image will help you recall his or her name.

If you want to remember something, repeat it to yourself frequently. This is a simple idea, but it's essential no matter what you're trying to remember. It often helps to write it down, so you can look at it frequently. That's why flash cards are an effective tool for learning anything that requires memorization, such as a new language. You actually have to make the mental effort to repeat the information to yourself if you want to remember it. You don't have to do this for a long period of time, but you should do it consistently. If you want to remember a number, for example, repeat it to yourself at least once per day until you can easily recall it. Repetition is a key principle no matter what it is you're trying to remember.

The way your brain is working has a great impact on your ability to remember what you're reading or studying. Simply by breathing more deeply and slowly, you can put yourself in a more relaxed state that will improve your memory. Certain types of music can help create this kind of brain state and breathing pattern. Any kind of music you find relaxing is good for this purpose. However, you can also find music and software programs that use techniques such as binaural beats that put your brain in an optimal state for learning. Or you can simply focus on breathing deeply, when you're trying to absorb new information. Having good posture is also helpful, as when you're slumping it's harder to stay alert and this can make it harder to remember anything.

Everyone can benefit by having a better memory, and the above techniques are some of the best ways to achieve this. Like anything else, you have to focus on these methods consistently if you want your memory to get better. Having the intention of improving your memory can itself be helpful, as you'll then be more inclined to pay closer attention when learning new information.

Jason is a mortgage lender who love reading whenever he has spare time with him. He would share with you on a lot of such knowledge if you getting close with him.

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